
Definition of Safeguarding

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Commitment to Safeguarding

The Cycle Training team and the Walking Training team are committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults and we expect everyone who we work with to share this commitment.

We take all welfare concerns seriously and will follow our safeguarding policy in all the training we do.

Please read the safeguarding policy PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Instructors undertaken DBS checks? How recent were the checks?

Will any adults besides the instructor be present on the training while my child is there?

What safeguarding training have staff had?

May I have a copy of your safeguarding and child protection policy?

Who is your designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and what training have they had? How recent was this training?

My child has Special Educational Needs and / or a disability (SEND). What steps will you take to accommodate this?

How are you securely storing the information you hold on my child? Who has access to it and are you giving it to anyone else?

How can I get in touch with you about safeguarding?

Have Instructors undertaken DBS checks? How recent were the checks?

Instructors are recruited using the County's Safer Recruitment policy. All instructors and office staff must have an enhanced DBS check with children's barred list before starting the role and must have a new check every 3 years. All staff are under obligation to declare any updates in between. 

Will any adults besides the instructor be present on the training while my child is there?

For cycle training, there will be a minimum of two instructors with any one group, unless there are specific, pre-agreed circumstances with either the school or as advertised. 

For walking training, there will be a minimum of two instructors except for smaller schools, where there may only be one Instructor who attends to lead the training. 

Occasionally there may be additional adults, e.g. other staff from within Surrey CC visiting the training or somone from an outside organisation, such as an external training body. The school, or if a public session, the parents/riders, will be notified of this. People from any third party organisations will not be left unsupervised with trainees but we will require them to have a DBS check, which will be shown to the school.

Occasionally, an additional adult, from eiither Surrey County Council or an external organisation, may not have a DBS check. The school will be notified of this in advance and the school’s approval sought. If the school does not approve, the person will not attend the course.

At no time will any additional adults be left unsupervised with trainees. 

What safeguarding training have staff had?

All Instructors periodically undertake Safeguarding training that is approved by the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board. Instructors also periodically received Emergency First Aid training.

Instructors undertake other training that can help improve outcomes, such as Understanding Autism and Restorative Conversations. For Cycle trianing Instructors, safeguarding is also covered in the Level 2 Award in Cycle Training – the award instructors have to complete before delivering training.

May I have a copy of your safeguarding policy?

Yes, you can see the cycle training safeguarding policy here

Who is your designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and what training have they had? How recent was this training?

The cycle training DSL is David Sharpington – Cycle Training Manager. The training over and above the safeguarding training mentioned above is "Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (not for schools, colleges or early years settings)". It is delivered by Surrey County Council and repeated every 3 years.

If David is unavailable, the cycle training office team are Deputy DSLs.

The Walking Training DSL is Jonny Ray – Senior Safer Travel Officer. Jonny Ray has received the same DSL safeguarding training as David Sharpington. 

If Jonny is unavailable, the walking training office team are Deputy DSLs. 

My child has Special Educational Needs and / or a disability (SEND). What steps will you take to accommodate this?

We aim to make all cycle and walking training as inclusive as possible. We ask that parents/schools communicate any needs on the consent form when booking training, or through the school office, so that we can make any necessary adjustments to the training to support all children.

How are you securely storing the information you hold on my child? Who has access to it and are you giving it to anyone else?

Please see the cycle training privacy statement.

How can I get in touch with you about safeguarding?

Please use the Surrey County Council Contact Centre and ask for 'cycle training' for cycle training, or ‘Safer Travel Team’ for Feet First: Walking Training.