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Bikeability Level 1 is an off road course and is suitable for those who have just learned to ride and no longer use stabilisers. Our instructors develop road cycling and safety skills through explanation, demonstration and practical exercises off road in preparation for our Bikeability Level 2 on road training.
The instructors, during the training, will introduce the 'core functions' set out in the National Standard for Cycling:
- Observation
- Communication
- Priorities
- Positioning
Bikeability Level 1 Cycle Training improves balance and control skills and takes place in a traffic-free area. Through a series of fun exercises and games, trainees practise riding one-handed, looking all around, stopping with control, sharing space, manoeuvring at low speed, using gears if they have them and turning with control. Trainees also learn a simple bike check.
At the end of the course, trainees receive a badge and a certificate.
This course will go ahead whatever the weather, so please send your child with appropriate clothing (particularly waterproofs and gloves).